Jonty Parkin
JoinedTopics Started by Jonty Parkin
Were you ever "rewarded" for your faithful service?
by Jonty Parkin in"rewards" for faithful service sometimes used to come in the most unlikely manner.
to illustrate; the "privillege" of being a young microphone handler occasionally yielded its wholesome dividends of an unexpected nature.
for example, when i was once on microphone duty as a young aspirant ministerial slave, i was rewarded with an edifying flash of theocratic tit when a sister leant forward to give her comment.
Asking for money on the doors.
by Jonty Parkin inwhile i was still a faithful slave of the organisation in the uk, a change came into effect that must have broken their corperate righteous heart!.
because of some law to do with registered charities and solicited contributions, the wts in britain were forced to make all of their publications (including videos and cassettes) available at no cost.
Silly-Putty Paragraphs With Patronisingly Unchallenging Questions!
by Jonty Parkin in.
having long since parted company with my "theocratic library", i am no longer in a position to find an example of the typically simplistic milky pap tricklings which passes for "spiritual food" in the org.. you know the kind of thing - a mind-numbingly silly putty paragraph with a patronising printed question (the answer to which is embarrasingly obvious), seldom requring more than one sentance and frequently more than one word to answer it.. can anybody give me some examples (with references) for a project i'm doing?.
Prats with microphones
by Jonty Parkin inin your congregation, did you ever have macho-wannabes on the microphones, strutting up and down the aisles handling the mikes as though they were aka assault rifles?.
we had a few tossers like this.
in fact, i might even have been one of them.... jonty
by Jonty Parkin inok - so i'm stupid - but how do i attach pics from my file store to my messages?
i clicked on the attatch file link, clicked on the pics i wanted, but nothing happened!.
Kingdom Photo Album
by Jonty Parkin ina selection of wholesome, uplifting, edifying, upbuilding theocratic images, through which we can relive the wonderful privillage of humbly, tirelessly and thanklessly slaving for the majestic and triumphant organisation.
making the circuit overseer feel at home.. observing mom in the field ministry.
the circuit overseer shares his personal experiences.
Let's bring these enemies of freedom and human decency down to their knees!
by Jonty Parkin inpreviously, i was content to go my own way and allow my erstwhile brothers and sisters go theirs.
after all, if i am honest, i am equally delighted to be able to ignore/shun those myopic, sanctimonious little turds, as they are to ignore/shun me!.
however, having read many of your posts, i'm downright bloody livid, not neccessarily with the aforementioned "myopic, sanctimonious little turds", but those grumpy, stubborn, conniving deceitful old gits in brooklyn who have created this society of "myopic, sanctimonious little turds"!.
Kingdom Kliche's
by Jonty Parkin inanybody remember some of the ridiculously glib and corny words/cliche's that were used and recycled over and over and over ("three times for emphasis") again?.
how about:going overboardthe thin end of the wedgea balanced view of...what should we think...?what should we feel...worldly paramours/cohorts etcleave it with jehovahadvertise, advertise, advertise (puke!)..
and my personal favourite:"victorious overcomers" .
"Beefing-Up" your "Hours"...
by Jonty Parkin ini never actually lied about the number of hours i put in, but i was extremely creative in how i counted them!
this, of course, was born of an intense hatred and loathing for the "work", coupled with the realisation that if my average did not hit double figures, i might be taken to task over it!
don't get me wrong, i wasn't scared of knocking on peoples doors and being told to regularly to "f*ck off"- i just could see no sense in it.
The Best years of our lives...
by Jonty Parkin inhello friends!.
well, i never thought i'd see the day when i was prepared to talk about my 20 plus years in "the truth" (rolls eyes upward in despair)!
in view of what i have to show from it, i cannot help thinking that i wasted the best years of my life!